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dkm Acrostics

4.2 ( 3952 ratings )
Jeux Mots
Développeur DKM Software Pty Ltd

If you love crosswords, try these Acrostics variations. Acrostics are like crossword puzzles where you have a set of clues to solve. But instead of letters in a grid, the clue answers make up a mystery text (in these puzzles, a quote or an interesting fact). You solve the puzzles by a two way process - figuring out the clues and also looking at the text as it is revealed to help complete missing words. Hints are available if you need assistance.

• Simple, clean user interface - each letter of the clue answer is color coded to easily identify where it goes in the text.
• Challenging clues in the vein of well known newspaper crosswords.
• 40 free puzzles with additional volumes available.